Serving Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland
For all your septic testing, septic design, septic inspection and Act 537 planning; stormwater infiltration testing, wetland delineations, sinkhole/karst evaluations, soil bearing/perc testing and soil fertility; alluvial soil investigations, PNDI, environmental audit, well sampling and Phase I needs.
PTE Labs - We'll test your soil!

Small Homes and Homesteaders
Are you experiencing minimal vegetable growth? Are your plants not growing to their full potential?
Fertility Tests​
Nutrients, pH​
Soil/plant suitability
Nutrients, pH, soluble salt level, organic matter, soil textural class
Topsoil Evaluation
Nutrients, pH, soluble salt level, organic matter, sieve analysis (% sand/silt/clay), gravel content​​

Need to meet regulation requirements? Need to meet site stabilization needs? Do you have a failing septic system?
Organic Media
pH, electrical conductivity, plant available inorganic nitrogen​
Basic PLUS organic matter, TKN, C:N ration, maturity index, moisture content, coarse fragment content​
Compost Available Nutrients
ADD plant-available nutrients​
Compost Total Nutrients
ADD Total P, K, Ca, Mg, Cu, Mn, Zn, B, Mo​
Soilless Media
Nutrients, Ph, EC, Plant-available Nitrogen​

Want to increase productivity? Need to reduce soil erosion? Like to decrease water use?
Fertility Tests​
Nutrients, pH, CEC and cation saturation​
Pre-sidedress Nitrate Test
Nitrate-Nitrogen/mid-season fertilizer
Full Farm Test
Nutrients, pH, CEC and Saturation, plant available nitrogen, organic matter​
Soil Health
ADD microbial respiration​

Stormwater/MS4, Environmental
Have you been asked to adhere to MS4? Are you adding a pool or garage? Is your pond choked out by invasives? Need to comply to regulations for well monitoring? Do you need an environmental site assessment for the sale of your property?​​​​
Permeability Class Rating​
%sand/silt/clay, sieve analysis, gravel content​
Topsoil Evaluation
Fertility, pH, soluble salts, organic matter, % sand​/silt/clay, soil textural class, gravel content
Environmental Analysis Test
Nutrients, pH, CEC & saturation, soluble salts, organic matter, % sand/silt/clay, soil textural class, TKN, (request fertility or contamination analysis)​
pH, EC, plant-available, soluble salts, organic matter, TKN​, plant available nitrogen
Acid-Producing Soil Test
pH before/after oxidation, sulfate and determination of acid-suitable soil​
***Plant available nutrients: P, K, CA, Mg, Cu, Mn, Zn, B
Already know what you want?
Click to download the order form which includes prices. Mail the order form along with your soil sample to PTE Labs using the address on the form.
Pay for your order using the PayPal button at the right. For Job Invoice # write PTL.
Not sure which test you need? Call 215-362-4610 or fill out form above.
Would you like a professional to collect your samples?
Fill out the "form" box at the top right hand corner and submit. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
PTE Labs
Order Form

Turf/Golf Courses/Practice Fields
Need to comply with changing fertilization regulations?
Turf/Sports Fertility Test
Nutrients, pH, ​CEC and saturation
Turf/Sports Total Test
Nutrients, pH​, CEC 7 saturation, soluble salts, organic matter, soil textural class
Sand-based Root Zone Test
Nutrients, pH, CEC & Saturation, soluble salts, organic matter, percent fines​

A La Carte Tests
Other types of soil tests available in our lab:
pH requirements
For selected crops​
Soluble salts
Total dissalved ions (Ca, Mg, K)​
Soil Organic Matter
Most Samples​
Loss-on-ignition Organic Matter
For high organic content soils​
Inorganic Nitrogen
Nitrate-Nitrogen, ammonium-nitrogen, plan-available nitrogen​
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen
organic-bound Nitrogen, ammonium-nitrogen​
Cation Exchange Capacity or Exchangeable Cations
nutrient cation buffering capacity/balance of cation nutrients​
Sieve Analysis of Sand - USDA
% very coarse, coarse, medium, fine, and very fine sand and gravel​
Custom Sieve
per​ request
Soil-particle Size Analysis by Hydrometer
% gravel,​ sand, silt, clay and texture with graphs
Soil Moisture Content - as received
soil water​